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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Basketball is....



-- a game played between two teams of five players each on a rectangular court, usually indoors. Each team tries to score by tossing the ball through the opponent's goal, an elevated horizontal hoop and net called a basket.

--is a non-contact sport played on a rectangular court. While most often played as a team sport  with five players on each side, three-on-three, two-on-two, and one-on-one competitions are also common. The objective is to shoot a ball through a hoop 18 inches (46 cm) in diameter and 10 feet (3.048 m) high that is mounted to a backboard at each end of the court. The game was invented in 1891 by Dr. James Naismith, who would be the first basketball coach of the Kansas Jawhawks, one of the most successful programs in the game's history.


Ball-Handling - The way you control the ball by different skillful way of dribbling and passing. Usually this is dominated by POINT GUARD task.

Shooting - The key to add points to your team score. This is the easiest to learn but hard to do in game, must be learned by all players in a team. Lay' Ups, 3pts shots, pull up quick, dunk.. etc,.. there are more ways to shoot a ball in a basket. Dominated by SHOOTING GUARD. Types of Shooting: Jump Shot, Dunk, Alley Oop, Free Throw, Three Point Shot, Lay Up, Hook Shot

Passing - The deliberate attempt to move a live ball between two teammates. To pass the ball to the teammate who will receive. this is also a point guard job. Types of Passing: Overhead pass, Chest pass, Push pass, Baseball Pass, Off the Dribble pass, Bounce Pass

Dribbling - This is a legal method according to basketball rules. the way you play with the ball, dribbling is the way you attack or defend the ball when your in attack possession, This is a POINT GUARD TASK also. Types of dribble: Change of pace, Crossover dribble, Behind the back, pull back dribble, low dribble, basic dribble, between the legs.

Dunking - This is the most lit way of taking a basket. This technique is cool because if you can do this you have a strong leg which you can reach the ring and slam it down. It symbolize you a strong player!!!

Shot Blocking - This method is a defensive player task which you'll not able to shoot the ball into the basket because he/she blocks your shot. This method when your in a defense is cool but when youre the one who got blocked its so bad its like your gonna get booo by the crowd

Rebounding - This method may be defensive rebound or offensive rebound. This what we called rebound is so important this is a back up method. whenever somebody takes a shot what if it misses. so its gonna bump on board or ring and goes down to the player. Rebound is when you get the ball from a missed shot. 

Stealing - This is a defensive method. This is to steal the ball from the enemy and take your own open free shot. This is to steal clean the ball from your enemy;s hand. But if its a dirty still you will be called a FOUL

Violations - Knowing the kinds of basketball violations improves your game. 

Foul - is often an accidental contact made by the defender to his opponent or an aggressive move by the ball-handler towards his defender. However, a foul is also used as a strategy to stop the clock or to keep the shooting player from scoring easily. Learning how to use your fouls well is important in the game.

Assist - is given to a teammate to help him score easily. Thus is it important to find an open man on the court 


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